
H. Vaughan Vaughan & Co has been involved with probate and estate administration for over a hundred years and can offer our experience, support and help to clients during this extremely sad and stressful time for the family and friends of the deceased.


When a loved one dies, and they have made a will, their wishes need to be enacted. If they have not made a will then the law dictates as to how and by whom their effects are to be dealt with.

Our team of probate specialists can take you through every aspect of the will and documentation to ensure that all of the requirements are met, and actions followed, as we understand that it is a troubling time when a loved one has come to pass.

To be legally accepted as a true will, a Grant of Probate has to be obtained from the High Court of Justice. If a legally recognised will has not been made Letters of Administration are obtained. The application for a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration can be complicated, but our experience in these matters will guide you through the process.

We can advise on cashing the assets and deal with the estate’s property, the payment of bills, including inheritance tax, and other costs that may arise, and finally ensure that the estate is distributed as detailed in the will.

To find out more about Probate service and fees please read the information sheet.

With a wealth of experience in Probate and Estate Administration we understand the complexities involved and will guide you through the formalities during a difficult time. Please contact us to find out more about how we can help you.
